Author Archive

Fishing in Deep Water

What do we do with a proverb that could have several translations and meanings? That’s the case of Proverbs 20:5 which is translated by the New International Version as, “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.” One reason that the meaning is not certain is […]

What is Our Cross to Bear?

Ben Child, writing for The Guardian, says that actor Jim Caviezel claims that, since taking the role of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s 2004 The Passion of the Christ, he has been shunned by his own industry. Prior to that film Caviezel was an established actor in Hollywood, but says he was warned by Gibson that […]

Human Inhumanity

While reading the story of WW2 prisoner of war, Louis Zamperini, Devil at my Heels, I’ve found it to be a sickening reminder of our universal human capacity for evil. About half way into a story of suffering, first on a raft, lost at sea, and then in a series of prisoner of war detention […]

Who Does God Reveal Himself To?

In our last conversation, one of our friends suggested that a good question to consider might be, “Who does God reveal himself to?” I’ll bet if we compared notes on our collective knowledge of the Bible, we would find an amazing variety of answers. And if we compared personal stories, would we find that we […]

What are God’s Secrets?

A few mornings ago, as we were thinking together about the question “What is God Hiding?”, I woke with a song running through my mind, over and over. What seemed strange to me is that it was a hymn that I have not thought about or sung for years. It was also  a hymn that […]

Who Does God Hide From?

One of the mysterious themes of the Bible is that God hides himself from some and reveals himself to others. On one level we might say that God hides from those who don’t want to find him (or who don’t want to wait for him), and who would instead rather look for other gods they […]

What Else is God Hiding?

In our last post we saw how a proverb can help us reflect on the wisdom and ways of our God. By giving us a saying that functions like a riddle, our minds are stretched to consider more than one possibility. Yesterday we thought together about the proverb “It is the glory of God to […]

What is God Hiding?

Could it be true that the greatness of God lies not only in what he has revealed, but in what he has concealed? If so, what is he hiding? Prov 25:2 gives us what amounts to a riddle. There we read that the glory of God is to conceal a thing but that to search […]

Cardinal Under Pressure

I didn’t stay up last night to see David Freese’s 11th inning game winning home run get the St Louis Cardinals into the 7th game of the World Series. But I read the news this morning of what must have been baseball at its best. Was also interested in after the game comments by Cardinal […]

A Defeated Enemy?

Does it make sense for us to think of the devil as a defeated foe—without thinking twice? On one hand, Hebrews 2:14-15 says of our Protector and Deliverer, “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds […]

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